Unraveling the Impact of Lifestyle and Health Factors on Biological Aging
In the quest for longevity, understanding the factors that influence our biological age, as opposed to our chronological age, is crucial. Two markers, GrimAge acceleration (GrimAgeAccel) and PhenoAge acceleration (PhenoAgeAccel), have emerged as significant predictors of mortality and age-related health issues. These markers are based on DNA methylation, a process that can alter the activity of a DNA segment without changing its sequence, and are seen as indicators of accelerated biological aging.
This research delves into the causal risk factors for GrimAgeAccel and PhenoAgeAccel. Using a method called Mendelian randomization, the researchers investigated the impact of 19 modifiable factors, including socioeconomic status, lifestyle habits, and cardiometabolic health. The study found that 12 factors influenced GrimAgeAccel and 8 influenced PhenoAgeAccel. Smoking emerged as the most potent risk factor for GrimAgeAccel, followed by high alcohol intake, increased waist circumference, daytime napping, high body fat percentage, and others. On the other hand, education and household income were identified as protective factors.
The findings provide valuable insights into the modifiable factors that can influence our biological age. By understanding and addressing these factors, we can potentially slow down the aging process and improve our health and longevity. The study underscores the importance of lifestyle choices and socioeconomic conditions in our pursuit of a longer, healthier life.